Kelly Canti Basket™ now available in silver!

July 14, 2016 5:31 pm Published by | Leave a comment

Kelly Canti-Basket’s in silver are in stock and ready to ship!

we came up with the canti-basket a long time ago as a simple means to route your rear cantilever brake via the seat pinch bolt without having to commit to a permanent “brazed on” brake cable hanger.


the Kelly® Canti Basket™ is built here at Kelly® World Headquarters (in Nevada City CA). it’s simple, clean, light, easy to install or remove, and doesn’t cost and arm and a leg (only $15 including shipping) – just the way a bike accessory should be. and best of all, you can purchase our Canti Basket(s) right here on our website products pages .

you can also call 530-362-8004 or email if you have any questions.


Happy 4th of July!

July 4, 2016 10:59 am Published by | Leave a comment

Happy 4th of July from Kelly® World Headquarters!

Wishing everyone a safe, solemn and happy 4th of July, and hoping we all can remember how it began back in 1776 and what the 4th of July here in the USA is all about. the sacrifices of the many that gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy each and every day, and to never take it for granted.

Kelly, Made In The USA!

Kelly Canti Basket™

June 28, 2016 11:42 am Published by | Leave a comment

How do you run rear cantilever brakes if there is no cable hanger brazed onto the frame?

simple, you install a Kelly “Canti Basket” on the seat pinch bolt.

Kelly Canti Basket 4

its as simple as it sounds. we came up with this little widget back in the late 90’s and its the perfect solution to the problem if you don’t have a cable stop tower already mounted to your seat stays.

Kelly Canti Basket 5

the other nice thing about this product is it is easily removable and allows you the flexibility to run a cantilever or v-brake without having to commit to a permanent braze on on the seat stay bridge… a much better solution for those of you who are on the fence, or simply like the cleaner look of less stuff brazed onto your frame.. especially when (not if) it becomes obsolete.

available in black or silver and are available right here for only $15 on the Kelly website on our products page…. get your Canti Basket today!

Kelly 31.8 Custom Stem

June 27, 2016 1:09 pm Published by | 4 Comments

Custom stem program is alive and well at Kelly.

we built this old school custom stem for a guy to run on one of our older 26″ Deluxe mountain bikes. 31.8 Kelly custom MTB stemin this new era of removable cap alloy and carbon fiber stems you would think that a steel stem would be obsolete – but thats just not true. given the newer handlebar clamp diameters and designs its very practical to go back to the no-removable cap stem due to its easy fit where the clamp is much bigger so it clears the bends of the newer bars yet has the precise fit where its needed.Kelly_MTB_31.8_stem

here are a few pictures of one stem that will go with the rigid fork that is pictured below on one of our older hardtails… custom stem pricing begins at $150 for black and custom upgrades are always available.


for a quote on a Kelly custom stem email or call (530) 362-8004

10 year old Luke gets a new Knobby X

June 23, 2016 8:35 am Published by | Leave a comment

we don’t discriminate age here at Kelly….

i really enjoy building bikes for all kinds of people, but every once in a while one of these cool projects comes along where i get to build for a young aspiring rider like 10 year old Luke Mabry of Las Vegas Nevada, who simply enjoys going to the cyclocross races with his dad (to race) and is now taking the next step to upgrade his ride – that being his new Kelly V53 Knobby X – stealth orange….

Luke Mabry Kelly V53 Knobby X

ive always believed that a family that plays together – stays together, so im glad to be a part of this family project and wish the Mabry’s a safe and fun cross season… knobby on Luke!


Kelly forks and stems

June 22, 2016 7:34 pm Published by | Leave a comment

If it works don’t fix it!

I’ve been building forks from the day i built my first fillet brazed mountain bike frame (and fork) in fellow frame builder, Bernie Mikkelsen’s shop back in the early 80’s and have been building them ever since. we began building our popular True Temper MTB fork in large quantities during the mid 90’s as a necessity because it was nearly impossible to source a proper suspension fork of good quality for our 29″ wheel mountain bikes because it simply didn’t exist.


so here we are in the year 2016 and the same rules apply – a fork that is the right geometry, is plenty tough and durable, that doesn’t weigh a ton…. while ive enjoyed the light development of this fork to a longer length to suit our need for more axle to crown (A/C) distance and larger tire clearance, the basic rules and elements still apply and like they say – “classics never die”….



this particular fork is going on one of our older 26″ wheel Deluxe’s and we’re able to offer a very close color match. to sweeten the package even more this particular customer had us fab a very custom stem so he can run the modern 31.8mm handle bar setup… cant wait to see some cool pics of his ride when its all together!


as always, we do production runs of this fork in three axle to crown lengths (435, 450 & 465) and try to keep them in stock the best we can. we also do custom 1″ steer tubes, flared 1 1/8″x1.5″ steer tubes and whatever else a person can dream up.

call (530) 362-8004 or email to order one today!

Kelly frame repair and re-powder services…

June 21, 2016 10:37 am Published by | Leave a comment

we take care of our own!

Kijana beside his Kelly® Knobby X

this late 90’s second generation Knobby X “team issue” was literally rode hard and put away wet for many a year. it came to us with a broken seat tube and in need of some serious “factory love”… the nice thing about high quality steel is it’s simple enough to repair and worthwhile to put back into service. this smiling gentleman is the 3rd owner who cared enough to send this sweet piece of functional history back to us for the opportunity to make it glow again….

kelly oakland service mark


call (530) 362-8004 or email if your Kelly® is in need of factory service.