Categories for Misc Giberish

Covid-19 and how it affects us…

March 19, 2020 4:18 pm Published by | 4 Comments

this coronavirus known as Covid-19 is serious business and has brought the world to it’s knees… what can anyone say other than Mother Nature rules and she will have her way if we do not respect her. while we are all are doing our best self quarantine, so as not to spread the virus, there are some silver linings along the way.

for me, i’ve been a one-man shop for the past several years and fortunately i am able to carry on day to day as i always have working in my shop, doing the work i have always done. hardly anyone stops by so i can actually get things done. everything pretty much arrives via UPS or US Mail and is shipped out pretty much the same way, so not a lot of personal human interaction there.

i’ve always been a freak about keeping my hands ultra-clean due to the nature of my work, and so i don’t end up with some clumsy finger print or dirt spot under the clear-coat of a perfectly good paint or powder coat job. so keeping my hands clean is not a new thing. in fact on average i wash my hands at least 20 times a day, hence my dried out sandpaper like hands during winter months.

i live with a pretty great woman who likes to hit the sack at 9, so we don’t go out much and there’s not a lot of person to person interaction or intermingling with people outside our normal circle or daily routine.

while the silver linings of solitude, and being able to focus a bit more than usual, it gets a bit lonely around the shop and i am concerned as im sure many of you are while we all watch from our computer screens to see what the latest casualties, spread, and sanctions of this deadly virus are. all while no one really knows how long this thing will last, the toll it will take, or if there will be a vaccine in the near or far off future. so all we can do is be patient while we sit tight and wait this thing out.

on February 29th, i thought i was gonna have this really fun “leap year sale” – something i don’t normally do, where id get to clear my shelve’s of some really awesome “new old stock”, offer some great deals on other “in-stock” items, maybe make some people real happy, and in the process put some coin in my pocket. to say the least it has been radio silent since week two of this month (March), and believe me i get it, especially after i watch informative videos, like the one im gonna share with you all below…

so for now, all i want to say is something i have always believed, that “what affects one – affects all”, and for the first time in all our lives we actually get to witness this on a global scale where life and death consequences are very real. hopefully we all will have done our due diligence of self-quarantine and avoided this terrible pandemic with minimal casualties or damage to our lives, both financially and physically. hopefully there will be a vaccine and a cure and it will pass swiftly as it came. in the meanwhile everyone be very careful and stay safe as you possibly can and if there is something you need from me know that i keep things pretty damn clean around my shop and im here for you.

my best to you all, my fellow human beings.

Chris Kelly – owner / founder


August 22, 2016 11:04 am Published by | Leave a comment

Kelly® Bike Company on Instagram and Twitter.

yeah, as much as I have the whole Facebook thing down pat and have learned to utilize it without it utilizing me, I was very slow to jump onto the Instagram thing until one day my 11-year-old daughter Emma said to me, “Dad, you need an Instagram page”!


since it was a topic of discussion over the past year, while weighing the already over saturated world of social media along with the need to keep things simple while keeping up with the times I whole heartedly agreed. so literally right then and there I replied, “okay, let’s do it”.

within minutes we downloaded the app on my iPhone and set up what is now the Kelly® Bike Company Instagram page – “kellybikeco”.

ive been slow to transition but I have to say I love the simplicity of it and the fact that one can share the pertinent facts at a few swipe of the keys on the iPhone and the next thing you know you’re sharing your very latest work or moments via a fairly high-resolution picture or video for all the world to see, as well as share it on your Facebook, Twitter and other social media pages all at the same time.

so yeah, im loving the Instagram thing as it takes a lot of time out of the sharing process and gets immediate results… if you’d like to hash tag or share your Kelly® related or videos our official hash tag is “kellybikeco”, and we’re on Twitter under the same name.

as always I am glad to hear your feedback or suggestions, so please feel free to contact us with your comments. 


new website – a continuous work in progress.

July 14, 2016 7:21 pm Published by | Leave a comment

i got an email today from a guy named “Jimbo” (with a bogus return address)…

i know this because when i replied it bounced back as “no such address” (that’s right Jimbo, i do read and reply to all of my emails). besides that, it was addressed to a “”, which i figured was a little fishy in and of itself… but that’s not the point.

Chris_Kelly_kellybikecompanywhat was important about this email was that Jimbo commented that we had a lack of information about our frames and didn’t have all the geo and specs that the old site had. to which i replied: “thanks Jimbo, i am aware of the problems you mentioned. i had a short window of opportunity to get the new site up (with my web guy) and i was being heavily penalized by google because the old site was not mobile friendly – so i just damned the torpedoes and went full speed ahead with the plan to fill in the gaps as i go”.

so there you have it – this new website is a dream and is easy to upload all sorts of information, pictures, and videos.

if you have any questions or comments you can always call 530-362-8004 or email, and i almost always will reply within 24 hours…

thanks for the heads up today Jimbo, and i hope i’ve been helpful…

Chris Kelly